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Showing posts from January, 2019

Plant inspiration - Research & Documentation

Collecting together a range of images as inspiration in to how i could possible display my plants that i collect. Wanting to link my display technique of museology by looking at how museums display plants as well as labelling them. Not only looking at this but also looking at how they are displayed in botanical books. Often the plant is displayed at different stages of its life span including more detailed sections of the plants such as seeds and roots. It has given me an incite into how i could display/preserve plants that i find of interest. Important to uncover what the plant is for identification and when finding out the plants history. Images sourced from pintrest

Life Drawing - Documentation & Evaluation

Although figurative work isn't part of my practise i still enjoy life drawing as a process. Drawing isn't really present in my current practise as a lot of my documentation is made through making. However by participating in life drawing i am able to reconnect with a pen and paper and explore the forms in a number of ways. I know i have a lot to learn about figurative art as my drawings arent exactly of a high standard however i see this more of a hobby to escape some of the work i am currently investigating. If i am seeing drawing as an escape maybe i need to bring drawing into my practise more?

3rd Year Meeting/ Briefing - Notes and Reflection

15 Weeks - Creative and professional practise. Creative practise resolution ( all creative practise from the year aiding my final outcome) including exhibition proposals with risk assessment, professional practise symposium, critical evaluation and degree show with contextual material.  Assessment learning objectives -  LO7 - Knowledge of subject area, current and emerging practise. LO8 - Critical engagement with subject area. LO9 - Open to learning LO10- Evidence of resolving outcomes LO11 - Communicate to audiences LO12 - Career development  What I need for submission -  Body of studio work documentation of all developing work Research file Sketch book/ blog/website career pack - whats included on vle - personal statement, interview prep, guidance on self- promotion, potential job prospects, CV reflective journal  self and critical evaluation Degree show proposal submission and risk assessment - doesn't have to show exactly what the work is goi

Tree Root - Exploration & Documentation

Previously i was exploring trees and looking at making them out of man made materials, however because of my lack of skills i decided to explore the natural materials themselves exploring possible avenues for artworks. Continuing with my walks i have been exploring whats around me. Reflecting back on my interest in tree roots i began exploring the woods for upturned trees. This proved rather challenging as the area didn't have many trees that had fallen down. The image above was the best example of roots, the image resembling spiders legs intertwining with one another. Giuseppe Penone for example takes sections of the tree and manipulates it in some way. From this i have decided to look into possibly taking sections of a tree, the roots, and presenting this in a gallery format. My first initial thought was to source the tree roots myself however because i don't own any land for me to source tree roots from a woodland i would be stealing. As well as this i couldn't possi

Group critique - Notes and Reflection

work can be seen as unclear - this initially down to the context of each piece being a mystery/hidden not something seen without delving into the concept behind it. work needs context need to have more physical work - mostly down to the fact bronze is a time consuming process and a lot of work has been more focused on research, this next unit will have more physical pieces as a result of exploration into final outcome. bronze leaves were perceived as impressive and finished (possibly most successful piece) maybe continue with bronze exploration why not use natural materials instead of using man made materials impersonating the natural? - really question this concept why am i using a man made material to create a natural, and why i am not using it the other way round? what would it mean to use the natural materials themselves, could i use both? Having man made natural forms presented with natural forms what would this mean?  Notes in notebook pages 3 

Welding - Reflection & Documentation

My initial thought process for the degree show was that i was wanting to make a tree out of an unnatural material. This lead me to exploring the possibilities of making a tree from metal rods. Firstly starting off by forming the trunk which proved extremely challenging to then trailing branches. My skills in welding however didn't improve with practise. Starting off doing practise welds wasn't too bad but it was soon as i had to attached one piece to another. With it being so hot the welds would often melt the rods and snap off or look incredibly haphazard. Practising over a course of a few weeks showed no sign of improvement and i felt that maybe welding just wasn't for me. I would say that i am a perfectionist and enjoy taking my time with delicate procedures however welding was a quick process that i just couldn't get perfect. i made the decision to stop welding and explore new possible avenues as welding was going to take too long before i had perfected it. Pr

Bishops Art Prizes - Notes & Reflection

Notes and inspiration for bishops art prize  Bishops Art prize into lecture streams in the desert UK fortunate to have water – clear, pure, safe – we don’t need to think about where it comes from and we know that the water is safe, this makes us take it for granted. Its natural privilege having access to water that we should all have available to us In USA Flint Michigan also sourced from Flint River resulted in Brown unsafe water (big scandal) Water is often the reason there is lots of fighting over in the middle east this is somewhere where water sources are not taken for granted such as the River Jordan – The river Jordan becomes only a trickle once it reaches the sea (dead sea) this is the result of 96% of the river being consumed by us for national purposes – Israelis and Palestinians fighting for the water.  Jesus being baptised – baptism believed to send you to heave to meet god and then be reborn again back to earth Water in the desert will soon disappear as

Walking in Nature - Reflection

Looking back on my childhood growing up around nature its hard to ever think that  i could live without the fields and woodlands only a few steps away, however here i am. From creating work in the outdoors, through drawings, paintings to somehow developing into me creating natural forms inside a workshop shows how far my practise has come yet still holding on to my connection within the natural environment. I know its extremely corny to say that 'i am at one with nature' but when walking, or merely sat in a park its extremely hard to forget about the worlds problems and the world around me and really take in the beauty our world has to offer. Us as humans are forever destroying our natural resources and without action there is going to become a world where nature is no longer abundant as it once was. This is not a rant about the environment although a very important topic this is about the beauty that the world posses. How can a world evolve into this beautiful thing, a self s

Instagram - Evidence

I have a art Instagram page for quite a few years now but have never been overly happy with it. However i have recently just started to add more images that are relevant to my work or that i find interesting. As well as having this blog the Instagram is just a visual aid to help me look back on and see how my work is developing through imagery. Social media is at the height of its popularity and this is especially the case of Instagram it seems a logical idea to present my work on this platform to reach a wider audience. There is an abundance of art displayed on this platform making it easy to communicate with other artist usually getting a quick response - especially quicker than responding through email. I am currently redesigning my artist website as my previous website no longer fits into my current practise. i would think that it would give off a more professional impression if all my work were to correlate to show flow within my progression. In the next unit i intend to create a

Nuclear Investigation - Research & Intention

Further Evidence in Research File After making the ginkgo leaves i have the idea to possible map out the trees from the epicentre of the explosion in Hiroshima and recreate this in England around a destination that has nuclear history. Below is a map showing all the nuclear detonations that have gone off around the world. From this it is evident that no explosions have gone off in the UK or around Europe. Screen shot of nuclear detonations since 1945 Seeing as there are no detonations in the UK or even close European countries i then decided to investigate nuclear testing sites in the UK trying to locate their destination. After doing this i found that there is no liable information as to where these destinations are, mainly down to the fact that they are top secret and government protected. This lead me to look for nuclear plants in the UK, the closest plant is Sizewell B on the Suffolk coast. After researching into nuclear energy using some of the websites below, I no