Notes and inspiration for bishops art prize
- Bishops Art prize into lecture
- streams in the desert
- UK fortunate to have water – clear, pure, safe – we don’t need to think about where it comes from and we know that the water is safe, this makes us take it for granted.
- Its natural privilege having access to water that we should all have available to us
- In USA Flint Michigan also sourced from Flint River resulted in Brown unsafe water (big scandal)
- Water is often the reason there is lots of fighting over in the middle east this is somewhere where water sources are not taken for granted such as the River Jordan –
- The river Jordan becomes only a trickle once it reaches the sea (dead sea) this is the result of 96% of the river being consumed by us for national purposes – Israelis and Palestinians fighting for the water.
- Jesus being baptised – baptism believed to send you to heave to meet god and then be reborn again back to earth
- Water in the desert will soon disappear as it evaporates in the desert heat.
- Water is a mater of life and death
- All religions rely on water and is key in all their histories
- The creation of the world was abundant with water however it was god who gave water a purpose, he was the one to create the people the animals – he created constraints for the water he provided containment however water can still overpower in the form of tsunamis/ Noah ark
- Water provides life for nature
- The crossing of the dead sea in Christianity was parted by god allowing enslaved children to cross, creating two walls of water
- Moses striking a rock to reveal water source
- Life, Deliverance, Freedom
- Is it morally correct to own water and prevent it from others who may not be able to afford it, what right do we have of controlling water?
- Water is a natural gift that is there for everyone, no sole person has more rights than anyone else - not morally right to be owned.
Notes in notebook pages 2
Notes in research file
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