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Briefing - Notes Reflection

MA information - Although i have decided i am going to teach abroad next year, i am not going to be ruling out doing an MA in the future as its something i am very keen on. Its best to get the information now for future reference as it will be much easier to get the information from university while i'm still there.  

  • 8 different MA courses at NUA
  • the university is small and specialist - more time with tutors
  • can use a range of materials, materials aren't just limited to a certain course
  • don't have to write dissertation  when taking MA
  • MA looks at public speaking 
  • route into PhD
  • funding - to look into Winston Churchill foundation opening in May

Degree Show

  • 5th April MRC deadline - Not needed 
  • 2nd May computer deadline - don't need 
  • degree show shop is in St Andrews Foyer
  • I can keep degree show piece in gutons basement 
  • sculpture should be finished by 30.4.19 as i will be clearing out studios afterwards
  • Can work on pieces for shop after submission but important to document what i am submitting for shop in my submission
  • helping out with invigilation - can apply
  • 21.06.19 Grade received
  • graduation is 3rd July 11am 
  • Degree show needs - name, title of work, materials, short text as support (mas 50 words) in third person - upload on VLE
  • Provide technical instructions for lights and upload to VLE - to aid invigilators to find the light switches- produce a document with images  and text and check a friend can follow it
  • Critical evaluation summing up no more than 500 words- maybe useful to state where things can be found - found in my reflective journal
  • resolved outcomes is how work finally looks in degree show - LO10
  • document everything as evidence - more evidence the better, everything i have looked at 
  • meet all learning objectives as many times as you can 
  • LO12- don't have to have a job just evidence that i have been looking
  • social media and website send to Laura to put into the publication 
  • look into postcards, business cards or pamphlets as well as comment books
  • strategies lecture 4th April 

Notes on Pages 11 in Note book 


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