- 30/ 4/18 - PAT testing VLE details
- check section on VLE on degree show installation
- Revisit Profile to include in carry pack
- check when career workshop will be
- 22nd march is editorial deadline for written statements - check guidelines online - images should be 3 dpi minimum
- 29th march 9.30 curation meeting
- strategies is 4th April 9.45
- do i need a plinth for degree show if so specify - do i need a plinth for bishops art prize
- important to bring own tools for installation
- LO7 - documenting work for submission, documentation booklet not mandatory but useful
- LO10 - degree show installation and planning - skills and methods
- what does it mean to create artist multiples - check VLE guidelines - cheaper if its a mulptiple
- Norwich picture frame - use split baton to keep the frame flat to the wall - FRAMES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE NOT WEEK BEFORE
- next meeting 28th - planning for assessment
Notes in notebook pages 10
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