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Showing posts from March, 2019

Bronze Ivy ( Degree Show) - Documentation & Evaluation

Having previously done a trail of the ivy i felt a lot more confident in applying the wax as i knew exactly how and where everything should go to get the best result. This time i made sure that the stalks for the leaves weren't too thick with wax as this is the reason why i had to overwork the bronze previously making it look too artificial. I also found that this time i was able to control the wax better, letting the wax cool slightly before brushing on the leaves which resulted in the wax being less likely to drip on to the front of the leaves. If the wax did go on the front of the leaves as also found that leaving the wax too cool meant that the wax could easily be pealed off. By doing this it will hopefully mean that the front of the leaf is unharmed and cast without any extruding bronze that's unwanted. This time i selected more mature leaves as they had a stronger vein to them which would hopefully result in the casting being a lot more defined. The leaves i used previo

Briefing - Notes Reflection

MA information - Although i have decided i am going to teach abroad next year, i am not going to be ruling out doing an MA in the future as its something i am very keen on. Its best to get the information now for future reference as it will be much easier to get the information from university while i'm still there.   8 different MA courses at NUA the university is small and specialist - more time with tutors can use a range of materials, materials aren't just limited to a certain course don't have to write dissertation  when taking MA MA looks at public speaking  route into PhD funding - to look into Winston Churchill foundation opening in May Degree Show 5th April MRC deadline - Not needed  2nd May computer deadline - don't need  degree show shop is in St Andrews Foyer I can keep degree show piece in gutons basement  sculpture should be finished by 30.4.19 as i will be clearing out studios afterwards Can work on pieces for shop afte

Jesmoite Material of the moment - Research & Evidence

While in the 3D workshop it was suggested i should try a new material the university has in supply, this material was jesmonite. At first i was uncertain as i had wanted to explore casting with concrete but being assured that the jesmonite would create the same effect i thought i would give it a trail. I then decided to research this material to get a better understanding of its properties.  At the London Design Fair jesmonite was announced  as their ‘Material of the Year’ in 2017. The innovative and relatively new material  was created by Peter Hawkins, who discovered it in 1984. It is a gypsum-acrylic resin that is easy to work with, taking on colour well and being water soluble and once dried creates a hardy material. The material is a water-based cement/plaster/acrylic mix, often used in building work and increasingly being used by artists and home wear makers. The director of London design Fair, Jimmy McDonald states “A couple of years back we hadn’t either, but had noticed

Bishops Art Prize - Research & Intention

I have been putting off recapping my notes for the Bishops Art Prize as i have been trying to focus on my degree piece. I wanted to understand and feel confident with what i was producing for the degree show before focusing on another project. In the past i have found that looking at other projects before full understanding the project i am currently working on results in me often leaving things unfinished or that the outcome isn't fully explored. Recapping my notes was helped refresh my mind and help possible avenues for investigation to generate. The tings i have taken from my notes with the most prominence to me will be what i used to inform my sculpture. Mind map in research file (supporting documentation) - desert - bleak wilderness, dry, sand, no sign of life God gave water a purpose, yet it can break free and cause devastation - tsunami, floods water is a necessity, yet it is a gift that is being possessed causing war as well as wealth - people profiting from it (mo

Bronze Ivy (Trial) - Reflection & Intention

Before opening the plaster cast i was rather sceptical in what would come out and how well it might of worked. This would be the only trial i could produce in bronze as the next pour would be the final one before hand in. Realising the bronze was a more difficult process than when i was removing the bronze from the ginkgo leaves. The bronze this time was a lot more delicate and the plaster really clung on to the hard to reach places of the cast. It was a rather long process to remove all the plaster and in the end it was easier to use the sand blaster. The sand blaster also helped to remove any discolouring which highlighted any parts of the piece that need work doing to them.  Removing all the feeders proved difficult as it was hard to clamp this delicate object while having to use force to cut the feeders off. Using a sander and rotating file pen i cleaned up the leaves from any bits of bronze that weren't supposed to be there, these where all caused by the wax being too t

Briefing - Notes and reflection

30/ 4/18 - PAT testing VLE details check section on VLE on degree show installation Revisit Profile to include in carry pack  check when career workshop will be  22nd march is editorial deadline for written statements - check guidelines online - images should be 3 dpi minimum  29th march 9.30 curation meeting strategies is 4th April 9.45 do i need a plinth for degree show if so specify - do i need a plinth for bishops art prize important to bring own tools for installation  LO7 - documenting work for submission, documentation booklet not mandatory but useful LO10 - degree show installation and planning - skills and methods what does it mean to create artist multiples - check VLE guidelines - cheaper if its a mulptiple Norwich picture frame - use split baton to keep the frame flat to the wall - FRAMES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE NOT WEEK BEFORE next meeting 28th - planning for assessment  Notes in notebook pages 10

Drag In The Gallery - Documentation & Reflection

When producing Wall to Wall i got asked by Oliver if i could reproduce my fabric piece for his exhibition Drag in the Gallery. initially as was quite shocked as the overall aspect of Wall to Wall i was happy with however i hadn't received much feed back from it and didn't really think it was something i would be doing again. I started off this piece with a lot more confidence on how i was going to produce it, since my previous fabric piece was an experimentation. I had a better understanding of the material and how to attach it. This time i had a much shorter time frame of two days for installation so i began drawing up some plans of how it could be draped. With these drawings i presented them to Oliver so he could have the final say on how he wanted it. My drawings initially planned to take over the white wall however Oliver wanted the fabric to be more of a frame for his performances, much like a back drop. With this new knowledge i set about creating a draping 'frame&

Museology - Research & Intention

In 3A3a i began looking into different display techniques to help elevate my work creating more depth. I really like the aesthetic of the displays in natural history museums which lead me to look at museology. I previously researched this by visiting different museums and documenting different display techniques. Using this information helped to inform my previous piece The Bearer of Hope, it highlighted the way the leaves should be evenly spaced in a vitrine with labelling.  as well as this it indicated different lighting techniques and possibly display cabinets. Relating back to my research on museology last unit i wanted to carry on this theme through my degree piece. Currently i am planning to show the ivy but the ins and outs of how the final aesthetics of it is going to look. I then began researching display cases and what the internet had to offer. When first googling glass display cabinets the first thing to come up is chrome shop display cases, something you may find in a j

Ivy - Research & Documentation

Symbolism/ Beliefs-  connections - because of its interweaving nature creating long-lasting connections friendship - twist and turns of the plant symbolic of the friendships we form  growing in challenging environments - keeping friendships not matter what, tight bonds Celtic symbol - growth, renewal, connections, friendships, opportunity. druids symbol - vibrancy because of bright green hue woven into jewellery representing clarity survival and determination - virtually indestructible will return if chopped down.  five pointed leaves symbolises protection, harmony of the elements druids also symbolise peace used in weddings to symbolise fidelity also back to string connects if ivy refuses to grow on a grave the soul is unhappy if ivy flourishes on a young girls grave she died of unfrequented love overgrowing nature symbolises darkness reminding us where there is life there is death represents wandering of the soul Dreams -  ivy on tree in dream symbolises g

Natural Materials - Documentation

Carrying on with my flaneuring around looking at natural forms and materials. This time i was sourcing material for its aesthetics before thinking about their background. I was purely collecting material out of curiosity which has really helped me look at my work with a more open mind. Below are just some of the materials that took my interest. With the woodlands looking extremely bare around this time it became apparent that the only green material around was ivy and it was in abundant which should make it no problem being able to find more should i need too. For this reason it would be a good material to cast in bronze as a trail and possibly final as it will still be abundant in the summer.