I am really wanting to challenge myself to explore new
techniques, Wall to Wall exhibition is a task of working large scale creating a
painting. My work usually steers away from flat work as I enjoy physically
creating 3D over flat paintings. Yet I feel drawn to this exhibition and really
want to challenge the boundaries of painting. Keeping in with my current
practise and my recent walks of flanuering, mushrooms and their textures have
been a key interest. Creating these textures using paint is possible… yes. Is
it something I see doing … no. However, I have collected some images together for
My first initial thought was to look at hallucinogenic mushrooms
and how I could possibly make images of mushrooms come across tri ppy without obviously being mushrooms. This led me to look more closely at microscopic views of mushrooms. Their vibrant, garish colours can be related to the vibrant use of colour when hallucination sets in. They keep their natural organic forms, yet their garish colours are hard to relate to their mushroom origin. Possibly use in paint or marbling technique – Child play of bubble paper EXPLORE THIS…
Wanting to challenge the idea of painting further and looking more in-depth about texture. Decided to investigate fabric in fashion and how this can be used to create texture. I extremely like how it can resemble a mushrooms natural form in a man-made material which is something I have repeatedly done in my previous work. Must source fabric and play around with different techniques.
· Recent flaneuring
· Mushroom exploration
· Textures of fungi
· Natural forms
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