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Showing posts from December, 2018

Teach First Application - LO6 - Evidence

Evidence in LO6 Folder Application Process Sections to the application: ·          Registration ·          Pre-university academics ·          University academics ·          Competency questions ·          Situational judgement test ·          Supporting information ·          Programme preferences Registration Within the registration process I uploaded my basic information allowing them to contact me with possible job opportunities. This information was things such as name, address and contact details. Pre-University academics ·          A Level, As Level & UK equivalent ·          GCSEs, IGSCEs or UK equivalent ·          O-levels, other UK, or non-UK qualifications University academics ·          First degree studied ·          Modules                                         Competency questions Each question below had to be answered in 250 words or less.     Understanding and motivation Wh

Wall To Wall Exhibition - Research & Intention

I am really wanting to challenge myself to explore new techniques, Wall to Wall exhibition is a task of working large scale creating a painting. My work usually steers away from flat work as I enjoy physically creating 3D over flat paintings. Yet I feel drawn to this exhibition and really want to challenge the boundaries of painting. Keeping in with my current practise and my recent walks of flanuering, mushrooms and their textures have been a key interest. Creating these textures using paint is possible… yes. Is it something I see doing … no. However, I have collected some images together for inspiration. My first initial thought was to look at hallucinogenic mushrooms and how I could possibly make images of mushrooms come across tri ppy without obviously being mushrooms. This led me to look more closely at microscopic views of mushrooms. Their vibrant, garish colours can be related to the vibrant use of colour when hallucination sets in. They keep their natural organic forms, y

Litcham School Residency - Evidence & Reflection (Part of LO6)

As a result of me missing out on the opportunity to take part in the big draw, i decided to email Litcham school to see if they have any other opportunities for me to possibly get involved in with. Sharon Adams replied saying i was welcome to come down for a day or two whenever i was free. This turned out to be the same time Louisa and Saskia were doing the big draw I was given the opportunity to sit in on the project as well as go into the art department in the afternoon and the following day. Not only did Miss Adams allow me to swap between classes whenever i desired i also was able to speak to the children and help with anything they needed. This was extremely rewarding and only fuelled my aspirations to research more into teaching. It was interesting to see how each child worked, and was nice to come back the day after and working with the same children again. I think teaching its extremely rewarding and if i can inspire children to be creative then there is nothing more rewardi

Professional Photographs - Evidence & Evaluation

After the interim show i planned to get some professional images taken of my ginkgo leaves. Taking them myself would of been easy yet they would of been of poor quality as i lack skills in being able to use a camera and talking them on my phone isn't at all professional. So i decided to collaborate with a 2nd year photography student Chris Roberts who's practise is following along the lines of a fine art approach. In many lectures it has been stated that we must take professional images of our work throughout development, this has also been made clear by guest lectures by artists as well. Enlisting Chris to help me he booked out a photography studio as i was unable to book it out, by booking out a photography studio i had access to different lighting, back drops, reflectors and was able to get a better camera as Chris already had one himself.  The images below are the results of the shoot. With the help of Chris the images are edited to produce blank backgrounds