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Showing posts from April, 2019

Bronze Ivy ( Degree Show) - Documentation & Reflection

Removing the plaster from the bronze this time proved a more inviting activity then previously. Knowing that i had already trailed the bronze and that i had perfected the process i was a lot more confident in the bronze coming out as a whole. The process was still extremely delicate and took a while to remove all the plaster and clean off the excess the best i could with a brush. When removing the bronze from the plaster only one of the vines didn't cast fully which was a great achievement and didn't effect the final look of the vine as i cast more than i needed just in case something like this was to happen. The reason that this particular vine didn't cast was that the vine was a lot more curved then the others, creating a U shape, this resulted in the bronze struggling to travel upwards and the gas having nowhere to escape.  After cleaning the bronze it was apparent that the bronze had bled in places, most likely there were some cracks in the plaster for the bronze

Display Frames - Research & Evaluation

When deciding what frames to present my pressed plants in i thought it would be best to have both the vitrine and the frames from the same the material. Unfortunately because the vitrine was already made it meant that i now need to find frames that match the aesthetics of what i already have. Having brand new frames would look too clean compared to the worn wood on the display case. Finding second hand wood frames wasn't too much of a challenge however trying to find a set of frames that were all the same wasn't so easy. All the frames that were being sold in sets weren't wood, rather MDF covered in plastic. The aesthetic of the 'fake' wood looked rather cheap and would bring the quality of the work down overall. As a result of this i decided to pay for brand new wooden frames as it became alot simpler to find frames the right size, colour and quality. The only down side to this was that i couldn't view the frames in person till after they were made, implemen

Documentation Book (Whats Includeded) - Intention

 The text bellow is the first draft of text that is going in the documentation booklet, it highlights the order in which i propose to write it in and the basic structure of the text.  In the book i don't want to talk about the work as such but more of how everything has shaped me as an artist and how its all come together to inform my final piece. The artwork in the book have all one way or another shaped my understanding of my practise. One piece that i did create this year was the wall to wall fabric, i haven't included this as i don't personally feel like it has informed my degree piece and i saw it more an experiment that didn't really achieve much  in the form of developing my practise. Contents page will consist of - Breakthrough - forget-me-not Exploration - The bearer of hope (ginkgo leaves) Research - dissertation  Documentation - Pressed plants  Experimentation - dehydration  Completion - herdera (degree show piece)  Planning to have the int

Making my own paper from plant matter - Research & Reflection

When looking at business cards i had an idea to create my own paper out of plant material as i thought it would be a great idea to combine my practise with my promotional material. It would create a handmade feel that wouldn't be effecting the environment, plus i really like the aesthetic the paper gives. I research how to do this from many different websites and YouTube videos and came together with a step by step instructions on the process.  How to make my own paper -  Step 1: Prepare the plant material Cut the plant material into postage stamp-sized pieces using the garden shears. Step 2: Break down the plant fibers Boil the plant material in water until it decomposes. This can take several hours. Soaking most plants in warm water before boiling them will reduce their decomposition time. Step 3: Disperse the fibers in water Rinse the plant fibers thoroughly. Then fill a blender or food processor with water. Add the fibers and blend the mixture until the pla

Business Card Inspiration - Evidence & Reflection

I had originally planned to have a normal business card, such as a paper card, however i felt that i should use the business card as a platform to present my art or even be the artwork itself. Before sourcing these  images as reference i had initially thought to make connections between my making process, casting which had initially brought me to the idea of making concrete/plaster business cards. Although not practical to carry around in a wallet however it certainly is something that i wouldn't personally want to through away therefore being a lasting piece of art. Working out the costs of producing concrete business cards would be on the more expensive side compared to commercial business cards and i would have to make one business card at a time due to be likely only having one cast to make from. As a result of this i had to rule out the option of casting my own business cards as a result of funds and time, yet this would have been the preferred method of making.  Instead

Strategies (Residencies & Placements - Notes & Reflection

Speakers Lotte Peterson Joel Furness Emma McGarry Naomi Harwin residencies and placements  artistic communities- where you can work and live together residencies at litcham school - what i participated in festival residencies - artwork at festivals Lotte Peterson wysing arts centre  longer term residencies helping to build long term relationships seen as an artistic retreat Joel Furness  Residencies are fully funded Gassworks 3 month residencies has open studio days allowed for public and it means they can respond in any which way i stayed at the strategies for the first half of the lecture as i thought there would be some information that may of proved useful for my future career. however the information was more about the residencies of each speaker and what they offer. I know that i don't plan to take a residency in the next few years as im away this summer and plan on teaching in the school year.  Notes in notebook pages 13

Career Pack Workshop - Notes & Evidence

create a linked in profile - more professional than Facebook  look back at profile - create documents  difference between bio and artist statement - talk about work itself and the notable places i have exhibited often states where live and work in bio Often have their CV on website - use internal links for different exhibition shows in website deconstruction of business cards postcards are less disposable then business cards, people more likely to keep them what business cards would best suit my work, make it relevant to the artwork i produce interview prep - relating to questions asked in phone call often galleries request 1st and then rewrite in 3rd person.  important to include website address and Instagram on publication  Notes in notebook pages 12

Bishops Art Prize - Documentation

The below images show the process of producing the succulent plants. The images highlight the obstacles i had to overcome and how i was able to develop the processes to produce the best possible outcome.   Firstly i sourced miniature succulent plants which i showed the technicians in the 3D workshop. I was advised by the technicians that it wouldn't be possible to create a mould without it breaking. I then went away and research possible alternative processes. I had an idea to paint the plants with latex to then mould from however i quickly remembered that the latex shrinks and is to flimsy to possible mould from. After speaking with the technicians again, he suggested trying to find a succulent plant which has segments that are fairly close together, making it easier to cast. The above image shows the plant after i have removed its roots to form a flat surface. From this i created a basic mould where i poured the silicone on top of the succulent. As wel