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Showing posts from November, 2018

Interim Exhibition - Evidence & Evaluation

Having not known what i was going to be presenting for the interim show only a couple of weeks ago, the outcome was something that i was extremely proud of. I used the knowledge i had gained from my time looking round the museums to give me the desired aesthetics that resembled a museum display. Having the leaves evenly spaced and labelled links back to the main features that i pointed out when looking through the museums. There is somethings with the display that i wish i could of done differently. I would of changed the back ground white as all display cabinets usually have a white background however without not being my display case and having to share it with other people it was best in the end to leave it as a wood back ground. Furthermore, if i had more time i would of added some back lighting which would emphasise each leaf, making it more visible and highlighting the detail on the leaves. The title of the exhibition Under Construction highlighting that what i have presented

Museum Display - Research & Evidence

Below are images taken from the natural history museum in London as well as the museum of zoology in Cambridge. Bellow are the refined images from both trips and are the images i find most useful going forward looking at museum display techniques. As well as this i visited  the shell museum in Glandford however i have no documentation of this due to loosing my phone before saving these images. Must remember to always back up my documentation!  My favourite display was the above of Darwin's collection of beetles. Although it looks slightly chaotic everything is there for a reason. They are grouped with similar species and still look uniformed. Each beetle is placed there using a pin and each has its own label naming the species. I also like how it has aged with evidence of pinholes showing how he moved the beetles as he gained more species. If the museum were to

Bronze Ginkgo Leaves - Evidence & Reflection

After waiting over a month it was time to check whether my bronze ginkgo leaves had come out as i expected them to. Luckily i made more than what i need as not all came out as well as some of the other ones had done. I found that the larger leaves worked a lot better further more the rods in which the metal went in to and the gas came out from worked best. However i didn't have enough leaves (6) where i used the feeding rods on the back of the leaf - where the wax was put - this means i will have to work at the metal to hopefully look the same as the rest. Only two leaves presented a stalk this would was down to the fact that the stalks were extremely thin additionally the bronze would of had to travel up rather than down making it difficult as its going against gravity. I'm extremely pleased how they have come out so far, the main worry was that the grains wouldn't be visible but this wasn't the case as they have presented them selves clearly. However its a shame th